- 1. Characterization of microorganisms and their storage
- 2. Molecular biology and protein expression
- 3. Analytical chemistry
- 4. Other laboratory services
Liophilization of strains
Bacterial cultures will be liophilized at the client’s request using mioinositol as bioprotector. Twelve vacum-sealed vials with a humidity marker will be supplied.
Identification and phylogenetic analysis
Bacterial identification based on chemical analyses and on 16 rRNA gene sequencing using primers. Bioiliberis R&D also offers the possibility of a phylogenetic study of the strains based on the comparison of the 16S rRNA gene sequence with other related microorganisms. As as result we would obtain:
The metabolic profile of the strain
The degree of identity of the sequence with other related ones
Phylogenetic trees with bootstrap values
The phylogenetic identity of the targe strain as deduced from its phylogenetic tree
- Biocontrol assays
Identification of biocontrol and growth-promoting traits in bacterial strains. Molecular trials: identification of genes responsible for the production of antibiotic and antifungal compounds.
Phenotypic trials on the biosynthesis of hormones and enzymes that act as plant-growth promoters: Production of siderophores, phosphatases, proteases, indoleacetic acid, ACC deaminase, cellulases and pectinases.
Phenotypic trials on the synthesis of fungal-degrading enzymes: Production of proteases and chitinases.
Ordered mutant banks
Using either conjugation or transformation techniques, as well as suicide vectors, we are able to optimize the conditions to generate gran negative mutants so that insertions in each and every one of the genes are obtained. The client is handed an ordered support that contains 5.000 to 10.000 clones and which facilities the ulterior analysis of the mutants.
For Northern, Souther, Dot blotting or colony hybridizations. Non radioactive marking of probes using dig-UTP. Stability guaranteed in the hybridization temperature(±0.1ºC). Inmuno-chemical development. Anti-Digoxygenin-AP + NBT/BCIP.
High reapetability/Reproducibilty. Minimal variations between assays.
High sensibility with low background noise
- High-density cultures
Bioiliberis R&D offers the opportunity to carry out high density cultures of non-pathogenic bacteria in complex or defined culture media in its own facilities. It has 2L and 300 L reactors in which the temperature, pH, aeration and shaking are constantly monitored enabling to obtain an optical density of 40 units only 48 h after inoculation.
Liquid chromatography
Using high-resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC), determination in different environmental matrices (soil, water, sediments, etc.) of the 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) listed by EPA and of other organic compounds of interest due to their environmental impact or ecotoxicity, such as explosives and herbicides. Early detection and quantification of the different compounds is done using a diode array detector (DAD). For more sensitive analyses, the company has also a programmable fluorescence detector (FLD)